My Alternate Rules for Parents & Kids:
Getting Started
Each player makes a deck of 20 Pokémon monster cards.
(Exclude energy, trainers, etc.)
Each player will shuffle their Pokémon decks and place them facedown.
On the first turn, each player will draw the top card of their deck and play it face up.
(Youngest player goes first)
Using the accompanying webapp on your smart phone or
tablet, each person will take turns alternating attacks.
If the attack lands and is greater than or equal to the card's HP, the defending player will discard their Pokémon card to a "graveyard" pile.
When your Pokémon creature gets defeated, draw the next card in your deck and play it face up.
The player with no remaining Pokémon (in play or in the deck) loses the game.
The person on offense will roll a D20 on their turn.
If you're without D20 die and still wish to play, pull up this website on your phone and use this random number generator to get by.
- Rolling a 5 or less, your attack will not land.
- Rolling a 6 - 15, your small attack lands.
- Rolling a 16 - 19, your big attack lands.
- Rolling a 20 is an immediate killshot.
If your Pokémon is a Stage 2, Legendary, EX, Mega, etc. with a
single attacking ability, you MUST roll a 15 - 19 to land an attack.
If your Pokémon is a basic or Stage 1 with a single attacking ability,
you MUST roll a 10 - 19 to land your attack.
Rolling a 20 kills immediately regardless of exceptions or abilities.
If the offense rolls a 20 and has a killshot, the defense's
Pokémon dies immediately and is placed face up in a discard pile.
If the landing attack is greater than the opponent's HP, the
defense's Pokémon dies immediately and is placed face up in a
discard pile.
If the landing attack is less than the opponent's HP, the
defense's Pokémon becomes tapped. This means your Pokémon has
taken 1 round of damage.
If the landing attack is to a Pokémon who is already tapped,
the Pokémon dies immediately and is placed face up in a discard
At the beginning of your turn, if your Pokémon has taken damage (tapped)
and you wish not to continue with this card in battle, you may place this
Pokémon on the bottom of your draw pile and then draw the next card on
your pile to the table for battle. This will end your turn -- you forfeit
the ability to attack your opponent.
If your opponent retreated their Pokémon on the previous turn, current player
may place their Pokémon on the bottom of the deck and play a new card while
STILL retaining the ability to attack on this turn.
Players will alternate turns until one player runs out of cards in their deck.
The player with cards remaining WINS!